It was a month or so ago when Roger came down from Seattle with his friend and past customer of ours, Tony, to take a look at engagement rings. Roger came in very prepared. He brought in a 27-page portfolio of rings his future fiance, Kristyn had shown interest in.

The images were vintage rings from the 1920s Art Deco era. Roger found a few that he liked in our inventory but he wanted to keep searching for the ultimate ring. David and I headed to Las Vegas later that month for the largest antique jewelry show. It was there, that we came across the perfect ring for Roger. When we returned we looked through our european-cut loose diamonds and found the perfect stone.
Roger received the ring last Friday to his office and immediately headed out for a weekend getaway with Kristyn. The following is their proposal story... "We were in Westport, WA. He took me for a 3 mile walk that ended in the same place we had our first kiss 2 ½ years prior. He got down on one knee and asked me to marry him. The whole thing was perfect! Later that day he showed me his 27 page paper documenting the creation of my ring. I loved that!" Krystn shared. Congratulations to the two of you!
from your Portland jewelers - Malka Diamonds & Jewelry.