There is a much to learn about diamonds. To begin, you must learn about the most popular diamond cut, the modern round brilliant. It has a set of charcteristics that are refered to as the "4 Cs" and David Malka, our residence gemologist from Gemological Institute of America would be happy to explain them to you in detail. The round brilliant cut is only one of many modern cuts. In addition to the new cuts, there are several old cuts that have been used since the beginning of diamond cutting. The older cuts have their own sets of rules as well. Lucky for us, David knows them all. This is quite helpful since we carry diamonds that date from the 1890s to 2013. Recently, we had a customer come in to our downtown Portland jewelry shop who was looking for an oval rose-cut diamond. The technique of cutting rose-cut diamonds dates back to the early 1500s and is still used today. This form of cutting is extremely rare and usually entails a diamond with a flat base, circular outer edge, and triangular facets that create a crown. The shape of a rose-cut diamond resembles the petals of a rose bud. It just so happens that we had exactly what he was looking for. He wanted to set this stunning unique stone in a custom-made yellow gold bezel solitaire. Take a look at the images of wax mold to finish ring. This beautiful result combines an old method of diamond cutting with a modern clean-looking ring. Brilliant! Congratulations to you both!