A few months ago we placed a spectacular 1920s Art Deco Tiffany & Co bezel diamond ring in our antique case. Within a few days, we had several people comment on its beauty. It was quickly becoming the most coveted vintage diamond ring in our antique cases. One weekend, three different couples came in and each one pointed out the Tiffany & Co. vintage diamond ring. All three grooms-to-be said they would be back. The Tuesday following, a new groom-to-be walked in to MALKA Diamonds. He showed us his girlfriend's pinterest board and instagram account. She had pinned an image that was a new piece inspired by our covetted Tiffany & Co. vintage diamond ring. We told him that we happend to have the origianl piece in which these photos were inspired by. He was above impressed and decided to buy it right then and there. Before he left with the ring, take some detailed photos. Over the following two weeks the three grooms-to-be returned to MALKA Diamonds to purchase the Tiffany & Co vintage bezel diamond ring. It broke our hearts to break the news that their ring had sold. We did however have a plan in place. We crafted a custom-made piece using the images we had. The grooms were thrilled. This week we will deliver the third of the custom-made rings. They are beautiful and we are incredible proud of our work.